Eye on Efficiency MD is an independent publication written by an ophthalmologist at a major academic center in the northeast United States. EoEMD was born out of frustration with the many bottlenecks, roadblocks, and miscellaneous inefficiencies that lead to long patient wait times, clinic delays, and late returns from work that collectively lead to physician burnout. In chronicling one physician's path to optimize his clinic's workflow, EoEMD aims to discuss actionable insights to all those who share in the quest to improve our patient experience, increase our clinical volume, and head home on time with our work complete at the end of clinic.
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The content on this website is meant strictly for educational and entertainment purposes. While this publication offers opinions on ways to optimize workflow and clinic optimization, it is not to be interpreted as medical advice. Each physician's practice is different and some methods of improving efficiency may not be appropriate depending on types of patients and conditions treated. EoEMD assumes no liability for repercussions of practice changes made based on information consumed from this website.
The opinions expressed are the author's own and do not represent those of his employer or affiliate hospitals.